Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bonnie Bernstein. I’ve been watching the Olympics all week and although the female beach volleyball players are pretty hot, my mind seems to go toward those sexy women tv news anchors. And no one gets me more worked up than Bonnie Bernstein. I’m not sure what it is about her exactly. Maybe it’s her ethnic features that drive me up a wall. She doesn’t have what you’d call classic good looks but just exudes a sweet and sassy attitude. Her curvy figure isn’t too bad either. Bonnie can also throw down when she wants to. She has balls enough to ask the tough question on her gig with Rome Is Burning and can (it’s been reported) hang with the guys on her crew to grab a smoke as a sideline reporter at NFL games. Now that’s sexy! Plus you get the feeling she knows she’s got it going on. Almost like she wants you to know how damn fine she is but still be this straight laced reporter. No, we wanna see you shake it for us, sunshine. Bonnie Bernstein judged… SHAVED!